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St Peter's Church

qrcode spexhallIt has been a very difficult year for us all and the church has not been able to have it's usual fund raising events throughout the year so it would really help if you could donate by "Giving a Little". 

How about donating the price of 2 decent cups of coffee here at

St. Peter's Church Spexhall - Give A Little

Help Us Keep the Lights On!!!

St Peter's Church Spexhall has failed it's safety certificate and we need £5000 to £8000 to repair it.

All donations very welcome

Details of how to donate contact Jane on email jane@janeheld.co.uk or phone: 07771 556391

Cheques (made payable to Spexhall Parochial Church Council please) to Treasurer c/o Meadow Cottage, Stone Street, Spexhall IP19 0RN

Thank You